Biggie Smalls Albums List

  1. Biggie Smalls Songs
  2. Biggie Smalls Albums

Hip-hop has transformed dozens of times in the decades since the ‘90s, and will change dozens of more times in the years to come. That said, there won’t be a permutation of the genre that doesn’t carry The ’s DNA. He’s ground zero for many of today’s tropes, including the started-from-the-bottom narratives, that love of Versace, and the mainstream power of New York hip-hop.

Every birthday is a reminder that the man born Christopher Wallace was able to accomplish all of this in just five years in the business and one album released in his lifetime. This time of year is also for once again taking stock of Biggie’s tragically short catalog. Sifting through it, a lot of his material still stands as some of the best hip-hop has to offer, thanks to the charisma that naturally leaks out of his prose, as well as Sean 'Puffy' Combs’ pristine ear for beats.

Biggie Smalls Albums ListBiggie Smalls Albums List

Shop for Vinyl, CDs and more from Notorious B.I.G. At the Discogs Marketplace. He released two studio albums both garnering critical and public acclaim: 'Ready To Die' and 'Life. Biggie Smalls, Christopher Wallace. Lists Add to List.

Biggie Smalls Songs

That goes for every dimension of Biggie’s persona -- the certified mack, the raconteur, and the English language-loving street rhymer. In honor of what would’ve been his 46th birthday today (May 21), here are the Notorious B.I.G.’s best 25 songs, including collabs and featured appearances.

Biggie Smalls Albums

“Just Playing (Dreams)” (1993) The decades of intense idolatry surrounding Biggie’s catalog sometimes overlook that his best material often hung on his comedic wit. “Just Playing (Dreams),” stands as his catalog’s most obvious example. Essentially a boast rap about which R&B singers Biggie wants to have sex with, the two-verse favorite showed early on he’d become one of mainstream hip-hop’s most ribald stars. The stars he name-checked -- including,, and ‘70s/’80s star -- all supposedly took the mentions in stride.