Gogoanime Detective Conan Episode List

Detective Conan Episode 116 English Subbed. Detective Conan Episode 116 English Subbed at gogoanime. Category: TV Series. Anime info: Detective Conan Please, reload page if. Detective Conan Movie 2 – The Fourteenth Target Released: 1998 Detective Conan Movie 9 - Strategy Above the Depths. Case Closed Filler List (Detective Conan) Updated on December 22, 2018. Quick List Click the episode number to see more info. Filler Episodes: 6, 14, 17. Detective Conan is one of those animes that will make you start guessing, thinking, and probably develop your logic at some point. The only problem is that Conan is seriously really, really long, and at some points, we might get unmotivated to watch it episode by episode.


Detective Conan Episode List

Detective Conan is famous anime about Shinichi - a seventeen year-old high school detective, one day. One day, he wakes up and finds that he has become a 7 years old child. In order to find the reason for this transformation and the one who is responsible for it, Shinichi hides his identity and lives with Ran - his childhood sweetheart, whose father happens to be a hopeless detective, and with that begins an adventurous series of murders and mysteries that he must solve in search for the ones who put him in his awkward situation.

Gundam Wing: Wing Assault was a Macromedia Shockwave (now Adobe Shockwave) Toonami game that was available to play on cartoonnetwork.com. Gundam wing assault flash game.